Interdepartmental Graduate Specialization in Cognitive Science
The interdepartmental graduate specialization in Cognitive Science is available to students who are enrolled in a master's or a doctoral degree program in Audiology and Speech Sciences, Computer Science, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Geography, Linguistics, Philosophy, Physics and Astronomy, Physiology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Second Language Studies, Telecommunication, and Zoology. The College of Social Science administers the specialization. The Cognitive Science Program is not an independent degree-granting department.
The specialization is supervised by the Graduate Affairs Committee of the Cognitive Science Program. Students must meet the requirements of both the degree program and the specialization. Students should work closely with their academic advisors to ensure that meaningful experiences that are directly related to cognitive science are included in their degree programs. With the approval of the department or school and college that administer the student's degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the requirements for the specialization may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the student's degree program.
An interdepartmental graduate specialization in cognitive science is offered at both the master's and the doctoral level, although a given student may not receive certification for the specialization at both levels. If a student has completed some of the requirements for the specialization that is available to master's students, but is subsequently admitted to the doctoral program and plans to complete the requirements for the specialization that is available to doctoral students, the requirements that the student has completed may be counted toward the requirements for the specialization that is available to doctoral students.
outside research requirement form
Admission to the specialization is by cognitive science faculty approval. A student must have:
- a bachelor's degree with a grade-point average of at least 3.00
- been admitted to one of the master's or doctoral degree programs referenced above
To apply for the specialization, the student should submit:
-the application form
- a personal statement describing the student's objectives and interest in cognitive science
- a current curriculum vita
- a letter of support from the student's major professor
Materials will be reviewed on a rolling basis. For Fall admission, all materials must be sent to info at cogsci dot msu dot edu by November 15. For Spring admission, the date is April 15. Admission to the program must be approved by the Graduate Affairs Committee (comprising three members of the cognitive science faculty) and Director of the Cognitive Science Program.
During the first year of study toward a master's or doctoral degree, the student and the major professor select a guidance committee that will assist in planning the student's program for both the degree and specialization. At least one member of a master's student guidance committee shall be a member of the cognitive science faculty. At least two members of a doctoral student guidance committee shall be members of the cognitive science faculty including one member from outside the student's major department.
Requirements for the Specializations in Cognitive Science
Registrar's site
For further information and questions about the graduate program, please see our contact information page.