MSU CogSci 2009-2010 Distinguished Speaker Series

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2010-2011 Courses
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2009-2010 Events
Distinguished Speakers
Cognitive Forum Schedule
Affiliated Colloquia

The Distinguished Speaker Series (DSS) is one of the primary activities of the Michigan State University Cognitive Science Program. The aim of the DSS is to bring eminent scholars from diverse disciplines to MSU to present their research and engage in dialogue with faculty and students in the MSU Cognitive Science community.


Fall 2009 Speakers

November 30 - Dan Margoliash, University of Chicago. "Sleep, learning, and birdsong."[abstract and articles]

December 7 - Frank Guenther, Boston University. "The neural control of speech." [abstract and articles]

Spring 2010 Speakers

January 25 - Robert Goldstone, Indiana University Bloomington. Co-hosted by the MSU Center for Research on College Science Teaching and Learning. "A well-grounded education: The role of perception in science and mathematics." [abstract and articles]

March 1 - Daniel J. Simons, University of Illinois. "Cognitive illusions and the limits of awareness." [abstract and articles]

March 29 - Mary Ann Evans, University of Guelph. "Developing an eye for print in emergent and beginning readers during shared book reading." [abstract and articles]

April 26 - Arthur M. Glenberg, Arizona State University. "Knowing beans: Human mirror mechanisms revealed through motor adaptation."[abstract and articles]

All lectures will be held in the room 116 of the Natural Science building on the campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing. Lectures will begin at 5:30 pm and are free and open to the general public. Light refreshments will be served.

Distinguished Speakers Series Archives


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