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Professor Jeffrey Elman, UC, San Diego

Recommended Readings

For Monday's lecture

Elman, J.L. (1999). The emergence of language: A conspiracy theory. In B. MacWhinney (Ed.) Emergence of Language. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates.
Paper 1

Elman, J.L., Bates, E., Johnson, M., Karmiloff-Smith, A., Parisi, D., Plunkett, K. (1996) Rethinking Innateness: A Connectionist Perspective on Development. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Chapters 1 and 7:
Paper 2
Paper 3

For Tuesday's talk

Elman, J.L. (1998). Generalization, simple recurrent networks, and the emergence of structure. In M.A. Gernsbacher and S.J. Derry (Eds.) Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Paper 4